1.1 – What it means to call yourself home

Calling yourself home means making the conscious decision to come back to yourself, as you are, with curiosity and without judgment.

At a first level, this means giving yourself the space to process your life – to feel, to breathe, to rest.

This might feel chaotic and wild and even scary at first, but with time, as you keep coming home to yourself, there’s less to process, less to filter through, less to clog up your channels and something else happens.

When you consistently call yourself home, you become more attuned to the subtle, the energetic, the wisdom, and the intuitions available to you at every moment. Your life becomes more fluid, more magical, and you start feeling truly at ease and at peace with yourself.

If it’s important to you to be a healing presence to others and help them find their own healing magic, developing this skill is non-negotiable.

… is it easy? No.

… are there people with a vested interest in keeping your attention outward and looking for solutions outside of yourself? (Hahem. Capitalism.) Yes.

… But is it a skill that can be learned? Absolutely.

Next let’s dive deeper into why this is such an important skill + why it’s hard.