3.3 – Letting Go, Letting God. (suggested & Recorded practices)

Letting go is hard. Being told to “just let go” can be infuriating. Here are a few angles to come at it, that have made it easier for me at times:

  1. Being clear on what’s up to you and what isn’t. Let go only of what isn’t. If that still feels hard (and legitimately so), you can come up with things you might do if the Universe doesn’t deliver on what you surrender to it.

    For instance:

    Situation: ”I’m tired and vulnerable and need reassurance.”

    Up to me: “I can name it. I can feel the Earth beneath my feet and give some of it to her, and receive her loving energy in return. I can go ask someone for a hug.”

    Not up to me: “The person who I ask being fully available to give me the kind of hug I need. They’re stressed too.”

    What I can do if that’s the case: “Ask someone else / Imagine the Earth holding them too if they’re feeling the same / imagine the hug I need.”

    …and then let go… and go ask for the hug.

  2. Getting clear on what’s in the way of letting go and letting go of that. Three excellent questions to find out what the resistance is are: “Could I let go? Would I let go? When?”

    Each time your answer to the first two questions is “yes,” you can move on. If the answer is “no,” answer why and see if you can let go of that.

  3. Imagine a white light above your head. It’s full of this divine healing energy. It is kind. It is limitless. It is imbued with infinite possibilities. Imagine it like a shower, coming down your crown, washing away anything that is not in alignment with it – any fear, any shame, any “low vibration.” Imagine it all draining into the Earth (who loves to hold it and transmute it).

Recorded Practices

Letting Go – Basket + White Light

← Please practice this several times this week.

Clearing your energy (2-min)