3.2 – Divine healing energy

A little context here:

We’ve been preparing you to channel Reiki energy.

We welcome it from below (it’s that grandmotherly love we explored last week) and from above.

This is divine, healing energy.

It is of the highest vibration. It is of the spirit.

It is kind. It is love. It is peaceful, grateful, joyful and it has an archetypal, problemless perspective. It looks at things through a learning lens.

It will tune your awareness to questions like:

  • Can I let go of blocking the love that is available at all times and surrender myself to it?
  • Can I remember my bigger nature?
  • How is my soul experiencing this moment?
  • How is this situation perfect for me to learn my spiritual lessons?
  • How is this all happening for me?

Without the nourishing, visceral, and compassionate understanding from grandmother earth, it’s easy to distort the massive healing benefit from this spiritual energy, and turn it into something invalidating (“I’m going to deny how worried I’m feeling, because it’s not spiritual”) or to use it to spiritually bypass our toughest moments (“all this terrible stuff is happening and it’s okay because it’s divinely orchestrated”). That’s not what this is about.

To prepare yourself to channel this kind of energy for yourself and for others through the practice of Reiki, I invite you to use it to empty yourself out of anything you’re holding onto that is not “up to you” (and carve out space in your channel).

Ready? Go to the next lesson.