2.0 – Welcome & mindset activation

Hi darling,

Last week, you came home to yourself over and over again.

In an ideal world, this felt delicious and magical. Things flowed better. You had access to your intuition and wisdom in a different way. That is the magic of living this work.

… but when we’re starting (or restarting?)…

What we find is often something a little different.

Our inner landscapes might feel a little disjointed, disconnected, awkward, and we may come in touch with energies of hurt, anger, sadness, even despair. Perhaps the blocks we’re habituated to numbing become visible.

My loveliest darling,

What if this isn’t a problem?

What if instead this is a portal?

  • What if this could be the moment you activate curiosity? and it could lead to greater understanding of yourself.
  • What if this could be the moment you practice unconditionality with yourself? and it could lead to greater presence.
  • What if this could be the moment you become willing to receive love in ways you’ve never dared? and it could lead to rewiring generations-long relational trauma and change the lives of everyone around you as you do it.

… that’s what you’re invited into this week with accessing inner safety & grounding. It may sound basic, it’s anything but.